Atmel ATMega164p family Flash Micro-controller based module (44pin TQFP)
Operating Voltage: 10-30V D.C.
P.C.B. Dimensions 137mm x 74mm x ~33mm
8 Analog or digital inputs (NC, NO or up to 30Vdc Input)
Input termination resistors can be terminated at 0 Volts or +5 Volts (Pull up or pull down)
8 Open collector outputs, 500mA max each. 4 Open drain outputs with 30A mosfets. (Please note that maximum continous current for the module should not exceed 4A).
4 DIP switches to set address or other parameters
RS485 driver built in or RS232, USB or Ethernet with interface module. 2nd USART available
Standard Atmel 6 pin programming connector to program Flash memory for development
Pluggable screw terminals